Damnit... and it's only 2 weeks olde....

2005 iBooks losing Airport under network load
So I just picked up my new Summer '05 iBook a couple of weeks ago.... or rather it was sent to me. Seems there were a couple of revisions on the logic board and now theres an issue with maxed out RAM and loss of wireless activity.
Thankfully I haven't (knock on wood) had to deal with this in a real world situation yet, but I was able to reproduce the issue several times. ARGH.
You know.. ya spend the dough.. you read the reviews... things are happy... then this happens... its like that line from Brain Candy™:
Anyway... it's finally getting around to some of the larger 'Mac' news sites.. some of which Apple reads and knows may affect its profits... so I'm hoping for a fix soon.My ah-mother used to zing a zong to me when I was little baby, it goes a-like dis "Life is short, life is shit and then you die".... it sounds better in it's native Croatian...
The tech information that I've theorized is thus: These iBooks are the first to be able to use so much RAM (thats one), the logic board has been revised and the wireless card has been embedded on the logic board itself (that motherboard for everyone but mac users), it only seems to happen when you're plugged into the wall: Therefore it's a voltage issue. Not to mention that always and forever the wireless card and RAM slots have been directly next to each other. It happens when you're maxxing out your ram with big ram hoggin' applications and transfering large files over the wireless.
I suspect there will be either A) a firmware revision - what this will mean is that voltage to either the RAM will be dropped (making the ram essentially slower) or cut power to the wireless card (meaning the sphere of signal reception will be smaller). This solution sucks... but it's likely the most efficient for Apple. B) a firm recall of these iBooks where they add an additional capacitor, making sure that regardless of how much energy the wireless or the ram is using, they will each have enough and both will be "Strong like bull."
So.. anyway... I have a cool weekend ahead I think.. if everything works out and one particular person doesn't get their panties all bunched up and sandy. I could use it.... it's been rough on me lately... "What has?" you ask? .... you name it.
Here's some resources for you cunning bastards... that's right... I know you're out there...
Ok... I'm out -