Performancing Blog Tool Test
Ok then. Well... last time it was flock. Flock was pretty cool and the little locker part of it was defintely unique. And while I'm not seeing anything like that here with the Performancing Extension for firefox... I'm still using firefox. And that's pretty cool. To be honest with you.. I was/still am expecting to see the features of flock duplicated in a couple of extensions in the near future for firefox. Flock was nice.. but everything that makes it neat should be available as an extension in the near future. This is one example. The locker in Flock was really nice... but I'm rather attached to my very customized and current build of Firefox. I don't want to have to sacrifice being on the tail of the latest version just to have a blogging enabled browser. Obviously I have one now in this extension. SO... while its not anywhere near as pretty.. it's still pretty slick.
Just for kicks.. I found this on Asa Dotzlers blog. Good stuff there.
I'm going to have to give this one a thumbs up. I have no idea whose thumb this is... but I'm givin' it!

Just for kicks.. I found this on Asa Dotzlers blog. Good stuff there.
I'm going to have to give this one a thumbs up. I have no idea whose thumb this is... but I'm givin' it!