Hooray! Not much to say today...

Well Hell's Bells. I've been sick since Friday night. Great way to spend the weekend let me tell ya. Anyway... some interesting stuff. IE 7 beta 2 came out... I've tried it out.. and it's pretty nice. It's no firefox killer but it's ok. Explorer.exe has crashed on me a couple times in the first 15 minutes of having IE installed... but who knows if that was due to ie 7 or not (hint... I'm still willing to bet it was!).
Anyway... someone has apparently come up with -the- premier toilet for men... called the pee tree. Caught it on gizmodo.com, ladies and gents: The Pee Tree-

From Gizmodo:
"Coming to a bar district near you, the Pee Tree. This was designed bySo yeah... thats just great. Anyway.. I'm also trying out the latest version of performancing.. it's working pretty allright.. they still haven't fixed the bug with the master password, which is a real bitch let me tell you. Other than... seems good.
Joa Herrenknecht for use in public spaces. It is big, bright and
ceramic, just pee on the tree itself and lets the urine run down, or
pee directly into the receptacle around the base of the tree. The urine
is then flushed down to the sewage canal in regular manner. The tree is
in a contemporary design that could easily double as a fecal slingshot,
What do you think?